Did you know that something as simple as drinking water can have an amazing impact on your well-being? Imagine having a source of vitality at your fingertips every day. Are you ready to discover how water can transform your health and energy?
Water is the engine that drives our body, regulating temperature, transporting nutrients and eliminating toxins. Between 55 to 70% of our body is made up of water, so it's time to take care of it!
According to the World Health Organization, more than 70% of Colombians do not consume enough water per day. This lack of hydration can lead to fatigue, headaches, decreased concentration, hormonal disorders, and weight gain.
Here we name some of the more than thousands of benefits that exist when drinking water:
- Regulates digestion, helping to eliminate toxins.
- Improves brain function, increasing your daily energy.
- Keeps skin healthy, free of pimples and blackheads.
- Strengthen your immune system.
How to calculate your daily water intake based on your weight?
A healthy adult needs about 35 ml of water per day per kilogram of weight. It is the general recommendation of scientific organizations such as the WHO. A 50 kg person needs 1.7 liters; one of 60 kg, 2.1 liters; one of 70 kg, 2.4 liters.
Ready to embrace hydration and transform your life? Explore our collection of motivational thermoses and bottles, the perfect ally to maintain the habit and bring health everywhere. Start shining from the inside out today!